Meaney Café

Love through Food and Drink



Many years ago, almost thirty in fact, we believe something beautiful and crazy happened.

Two people fell in love.

Two very different people, but both with similar passions. To love God, love people, and serve others by putting them first. These simple but profound passions, is our mission. At Meaney Cafe, we've decided to cultivate an environment where we do all those things, together at the same serving in a way that God has called us to. This comes out in several ways, but mostly the following;

Hospitality - Lovely Libations - Delicious Meals - Beautiful Music

We knew many years ago that we would enjoy these things, but we have found that now almost thirty years later, life becomes better with you being a part of it.

So, stop by anytime, we always have a place for you at our table and in our lives.

Tim and Tiffany Meaney
Bellevue, WA

Copyright 2016 Meaney Café. If use any of this information, please give credit. Thank you!